Message from John Whitfield, BRLS Executive Director
As you consider your year-end charitable giving, please don’t overlook Blue Ridge Legal Services and the work we do pursuing justice for the least fortunate in our communities. As the Shenandoah Valley’s non-profit legal aid society, we are the only place where thousands of low-income Valley residents can turn for help when facing civil legal problems that can turn their lives upside down if not addressed. Without our assistance, they are effectively locked out of our civil justice system, leaving critically important legal issues unresolved – or worse.
When you give to Blue Ridge Legal Services, you’re helping:
- Protect victims of domestic violence through protective orders, divorce, and custody orders.
- Provide security and hope for the elderly by addressing nursing home issues, financial exploitation, Medicaid denials, or the need for guardianship, POA or a simple will.
- Prevent homelessness by battling wrongful evictions or foreclosures.
- Build a path to financial stability by challenging predatory lending, abusive debt collection practices, consumer fraud, zombie debt, etc.
This year, our friends at Hoover Penrod have generously agreed to match all donations up to a total of $10,000 through the end of the year. Whatever you give, they will match.
Our dedicated staff attorneys and pro bono volunteers work hard to help fulfill the American promise of “Equal Justice Under Law.” Through BRLS, real access to justice is provided to the Valley’s poor. And it is your financial support that makes that promise real. Please help us to continue to sustain our efforts in providing our low-income Valley neighbors with meaningful access to our civil justice system.
Make your gift count twice; donate today. * Every bit helps.
*Please note that while your gift is tax deductible, Virginia NAP tax credits are not available